
Exports History

Simplify your Crypto Tax experience

From a passive holder, to day trader, to NFT project, we have your taxes covered. FAQ

What you get:

Both plans grant access to your full historical data, with unlimited exports for the current calendar year.

Individuals/Traders Exports

  • Staking rewards:Receive an export with the amount of ADA and the value of it in your native currency for each native ADA staking reward you receive.
  • Individual token and NFT trades:Receive an export containing all of your token and NFT trades from supported exchanges, along with the value in your native currency at the time of the trade.
  • Capital gains report: Receive an export detailing each trade, both tokens and NFTs, with the capital gain/losses you incurred. This also comes with a export formatted specifically for TurboTax.
  • Lending/Borrowing activity:Receive an export containing all of your lending & borrowing activity, including interest you have earned throughout the year.
  • Airdrop income sheet: Receive an export containing the individual transactions where you received an airdrop/reward of some kind, along with its notional value in your native currency.

Business/NFT Exports:

Everything in individual plan, along with:
  • Wallet income report:Ideal for businesses/NFT projects with fee/royalty addresses constantly receiving ADA, view individual income/expense transactions from any given wallet.
*All come with values in your native currency at time of transaction

Collect your wallet activity from these protocols:

Trading activityandfarming positions
Spectrum Finance
NFTtrading activity



Everything you need to know about TapTax. For further support and inquiries, you can email support@taptools.io or open a ticket in our Discord.
How long does my access to TapTax last?
Your access to TapTax for exporting new data is for the entire calendar year when you made the purchase (e.g. if you purchase a plan in 2024, you will have access throughout all of 2024). All previously exported data will always be available to you in your Export History.
How many times can I export my data?
You are able to export your full historical data as many times as you'd like during the calendar year in which you purchased a plan.
Do my exports include the value in my native currency at the time of the trade?
Yes, all exports come with the value in your native/selected currency at the time of the trade/event. These columns are typically denoted with "quote" in the column header.
If I rent a Tappy on a third-party platform, do I get the discount?
No, renting a Tappy NFT from third-party platforms does not qualify for the discounted rate. To avail of the discount, you must be the owner of a Tappy NFT.
Is there a limit of how many wallets I can add?
Yes, TapTax limits the service to a maximum of 40 wallets per user for each subscription. This allows you to manage and export data from up to 40 different wallets under a single subscription plan.
Why do I need TapTax?
TapTax is useful for consolidating and exporting financial data from your Cardano blockchain activities, which is valuable for tracking your transactions, preparing for tax reporting, and conducting personal financial analysis.
What do I do with the downloaded CSV?
The downloaded CSV file can be used for various purposes such as personal record-keeping, financial analysis, and tax reporting, offering a detailed overview of your Cardano blockchain transactions.
Are there refunds?
No, all sales are final with no refunds or cancellations.
What countries are these services accountable for?
TapTax services are accessible globally, but users are responsible for ensuring their use complies with the laws and regulations of their respective countries.
Is it possible to add Centralized Exchange(Coinbase, Crypto.com, etc.) transactions to TapTax?
Yes, users can manually add transactions from centralized exchanges like Coinbase and Crypto.com to TapTax, although it's not a mandatory requirement. This feature allows for a more comprehensive financial overview, complementing the primary focus on Cardano blockchain activities.
Where do I go if I need support or have any questions?

For support or inquiries, you can email support@taptools.io or open a ticket in our Discord.